
API Documentation

Foreca Weather API

Foreca Weather API standard Stratus package includes access to point forecasts, weather maps and Air quality API.

API features (Warning API, Marine API, Pollen) depends on your package and some options (Climate Data, Ski API, Weather History, Notifications and Agriculture) can be added to the certain packages for an additional fee. If you are interested in API features, please contact our sales team for more information.

Learn more about Foreca’s different weather solutions at corporate.foreca.com.


Customer shall display in its weather service the Foreca logo. In case displaying the logo is not possible due to technical reasons, the text ”Foreca” shall be displayed in customer’s weather service in connection with the content referring to the source of information. Customer agrees to cease use of the logo and name ”Foreca” in case requested by Foreca, and also to follow Foreca’s reasonable instructions in using the logo, trade name or other trademarks of Foreca.


Third Party Attributions

Customer’s application must show attribution as given in API response. For example, the Capabilities endpoint in Weather Map API responds with layer info telling the required attribution text.

Currently the following organisations must be attributed if their data is used:

Radar data: Aemet, BOM, DMI, DWD, EC, FMI, InMet, JMA, KMI, KNMI, MET Eireann, MeteoSchweiz, MF, Met Office, MET Norway, NWS, Protezione Civile, SMHI, SMN, ZAMG

Satellite data: EUMETSAT, JMA, NOAA

Pollen data: Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service

Climate data: Copernicus Climate Change Service, ESA Sea Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative


Fetch tokens for API access. Tokens can be self-expiring or non-expiring.

My API account

You can monitor your API usage and manage access tokens throught My API account. From my API account you can also see amount of your API hits and which API products and features are activated. You get access details for your API account within your sign up email.

Request/query limits

Your subscription determines which features are available for your account. Queries-per-second (QPS) is limited based on the specific package you choose. The rate is a hard limit and will result in an error if exceeded. The monthly request limit, on the other hand, is a soft limit and will not trigger an error. It’s important to note that these limits are tied to the account, not the tokens. All queries contribute to the same limit. In other words, even if you make requests to different API endpoints, they are aggregated and counted together.

For the free trial, we also monitor a per day request rate. A free trial account can make 1000 requests to the Point Forecast API and 1000 requests to the Map API per day. These daily limits apply exclusively to free trial accounts and do not affect paid subscription.


Create an expiring or non-expiring token (API key).

  • user

    Application key username

  • password

    Application key password

  • expire_hours (optional)

    Expiry time in hours (default 1, maximum 168). If given expiry time is -1, a non-expiring token is created.

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mbnc2LmZvcmVjYS5jb21cL2F1dGhvcml6ZVwvdG9rZW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1MjYzMDAzODAsImV4cCI6MTUyNjMwMzk4MCwibmJmIjoxNTI2MzAwMzgwLCJqdGkiOiJxSXl3WVlQNjc1NkczejBEIiwic3ViIjoibFFHa1Y4Z2pIeGUyZU1ibndUUUs4NktqVTY3RXJlS2htenY1IiwicHJ2IjoiYWY3YTAzOThkZGNiNWE3YTUzN2Q3YzdkMjU2NWEyZjgxZGM4ZTQxNCJ9.V8xg6L9yrY9__VH-jdrL_CqXisEpgcfdUa0NoxlGz0k",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "bearer"


Fetch a list of API keys (non-expiring tokens).

  • user

    Application key username

  • password

    Application key password

    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mbnc2LmZvcmVjYS5jb21cL2F1dGhvcml6ZVwvdG9rZW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1MjYzMDAzODAsImV4cCI6MTUyNjMwMzk4MCwibmJmIjoxNTI2MzAwMzgwLCJqdGkiOiJxSXl3WVlQNjc1NkczejBEIiwic3ViIjoibFFHa1Y4Z2pIeGUyZU1ibndUUUs4NktqVTY3RXJlS2htenY1IiwicHJ2IjoiYWY3YTAzOThkZGNiNWE3YTUzN2Q3YzdkMjU2NWEyZjgxZGM4ZTQxNCJ9.V8xg6L9yrY9__VH-jdrL_CqXisEpgcfdUa0NoxlGz0k",
    "key": "23j98rfsnldkvf3w49hg"

Delete Key

Delete non-expiring token using its key.

  • user

    Application key username

  • password

    Application key password



Global weather point forecasts. Temperature and relative humidity parameters are calculated at 2m height, all wind parameters at 10m . Height of the parameters is above ground. Ground is assumed to be at the average elevation of the surrounding area.

Location search

Locations and associated identifiers matching a search query. Can be used as alternatives to coordinates.

  • query

    Search query

  • lang (optional)

    Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

  • country (optional)

    Limit search to a given country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes)

Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

  "locations": [
      "id": 102643743,
      "name": "London",
      "country": "United Kingdom",
      "timezone": "Europe/London",
      "language": "en",
      "adminArea": "England",
      "adminArea2": "Greater London",
      "adminArea3": null,
      "lon": -0.1257,
      "lat": 51.5085
      "id": 106058560,
      "name": "London",
      "country": "Canada",
      "timezone": "America/Toronto",
      "language": "en",
      "adminArea": "Ontario",
      "adminArea2": null,
      "adminArea3": null,
      "lon": -81.233,
      "lat": 42.9834
      "id": 103458449,
      "name": "Londrina",
      "country": "Brazil",
      "timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
      "language": "en",
      "adminArea": "Paraná",
      "adminArea2": "Londrina",
      "adminArea3": null,
      "lon": -51.1628,
      "lat": -23.3103
  • idnumber

    Identifier to be used with weather queries

  • namestring

    Location name eg. London

  • countrystring

    Location country name eg. United Kingdom

  • statestring

    U.S. state abbreviation (if applicable)

  • timezonestring

    Location timezone eg. Europe/London

  • languagestring

    Language of location name result

  • adminAreastring

    Administrative region name (high level, e.g. state)

  • adminArea2string

    Administrative region name (medium level, e.g. county)

  • adminArea3string

    Administrative region name (low level, e.g. municipality)

  • lonnumber

    Location longitude

  • latnumber

    Location latitude

  • Location info

    Location metadata.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "id": 100184745,
      "name": "Nairobi",
      "country": "Kenia",
      "timezone": "Africa/Nairobi",
      "language": "fi",
      "adminArea": "Nairobi",
      "adminArea2": null,
      "adminArea3": null,
      "lon": 36.8167,
      "lat": -1.2833
  • idnumber

    Identifier to be used with weather queries

  • namestring

    Location name eg. London

  • countrystring

    Location country name eg. United Kingdom

  • statestring

    U.S. state abbreviation (if applicable)

  • languagestring

    Language of location name result

  • adminAreastring

    Administrative region name (high level, e.g. state)

  • adminArea2string

    Administrative region name (medium level, e.g. county)

  • adminArea3string

    Administrative region name (low level, e.g. municipality)

  • lonnumber

    Location longitude

  • latnumber

    Location latitude

  • Observations

    Observations from a nearby representative weather station.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • stations (optional)

      Amount of stations (default 3, maximum 6)

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "observations": [
          "station": "Praha Kbely",
          "distance": "10 km E",
          "time": "2021-12-20T08:00:00+01:00",
          "temperature": -0.7,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -4.4,
          "symbol": "d100",
          "windDirString": "W",
          "windDir": 280,
          "windSpeed": 3,
          "windGust": null,
          "pressure": 1024.5,
          "relHumidity": 75,
          "visibility": 25000
          "station": "Kbely Air Base",
          "distance": "10 km E",
          "time": "2021-12-20T08:00:00+01:00",
          "temperature": -1,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -4.8,
          "symbol": "d100",
          "windDirString": "W",
          "windDir": 280,
          "windSpeed": 3.1,
          "windGust": null,
          "pressure": 1022,
          "relHumidity": 78,
          "visibility": 9999
  • stationstring

    Name of the obsveration station

  • distancestring

    Distance from the location to the station eg. 13 km E

  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time for the observation parameters

  • temperaturenumber

    Temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • feelsLikeTempnumber

    Feels like temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code

  • windDirStringstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • windDirnumber

    Wind direction in degrees

  • windSpeednumber

    Wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windGustnumber

    Wind gust speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • pressurenumber

    Atmospheric pressure normalized to sea level (hPa)

  • relHumiditynumber

    Relative humidity (%)

  • visibilitynumber

    visibility in meters, e.g. "10000" for 10 km

  • Current

    Current weather estimate.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • alt (optional)

      Altitude in meters

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "current": {
        "time": "2021-12-20T09:28+02:00",
        "symbol": "n000",
        "symbolPhrase": "clear",
        "temperature": -11.76,
        "feelsLikeTemp": -18.97,
        "relHumidity": 69,
        "dewPoint": -15.81,
        "windSpeed": 4.25,
        "windDir": 16,
        "windDirString": "N",
        "windGust": 11.66,
        "precipProb": 1,
        "precipRate": 0,
        "cloudiness": 3,
        "thunderProb": 0,
        "uvIndex": 0,
        "pressure": 1020.95,
        "visibility": 19934
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code

  • symbolPhrasestring

    Description of weather symbol

  • temperaturenumber

    Temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • feelsLikeTempnumber

    Feels like temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • relHumiditynumber

    Relative humidity (%)

  • dewPointnumber

    Dew point (°C or requested unit)

  • windSpeednumber

    Wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windDirStringstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • windGustnumber

    Wind gust (m/s or requested unit)

  • precipProbnumber

    Probability of precipitation (%)

  • precipRatenumber

    Intensity of precipitation rate (mm/h)

  • cloudinessnumber

    Cloudiness (%)

  • thunderProbnumber

    Probability of thunder nearby (%)

  • uvIndexnumber

    UV index

  • pressurenumber

    Atmospheric pressure normalized to sea level (hPa)

  • visibilitynumber

    Visibility (m)

  • Nowcast (short)

    High resolution one hour precipitation forecast in one minute time steps, taking advantage of weather radar where available (Europe and continental USA).

    In Europe and continental USA, the short nowcast is based on a true nowcast that uses radar extrapolation to move observed rain. The data is very fresh, usually less than 15 minutes old. If it’s true nowcast response resolution parameter shows: "resolution": 1.

    In other parts of the world, we use medium-range forecast so the forecast is not a true minutecast. The time step is 1 hour, so anything less than that has to be interpolated from the hourly time steps. The data may be several hours old, so the forecast isn’t as skilled in predicting near-term precipitation. If it’s not true nowcast response resolution parameter shows: "resolution": 60

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (up to 60, default 60)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2022-06-22T07:43+03:00",
          "precipRate": 0.93
          "time": "2022-06-22T07:44+03:00",
          "precipRate": 0.98
          "time": "2022-06-22T07:45+03:00",
          "precipRate": 1.04
      "resolution": 1
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • precipRatenumber

    Intensity of precipitation rate (mm/h)

  • resolutionnumber

    Time resolution of the precipitation rate, in minutes (1 for ares covered by radar, 60 elsewhere).

  • Nowcast (long)

    3-hour forecast in 15-minute time steps. The values represent the conditions at the associated timestamp unless otherwise specified.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 8, maximum 12)

    • alt (optional)

      Altitude in meters

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • dataset (optional)

      Variable set: "standard" or "full" (default "standard")

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2021-12-20T10:30+01:00",
          "symbol": "d421",
          "symbolPhrase": "wet snow showers",
          "temperature": 0.5,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -4.55,
          "relHumidity": 97,
          "dewPoint": 0.02,
          "windDir": 220,
          "windSpeed": 5.47,
          "windGust": 11.06,
          "windDirString": "SW",
          "precipProb": 82,
          "snowRate": 0.03,
          "precipRate": 0.05,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 998.169,
          "precipType": "mixed"
          "time": "2021-12-20T10:45+01:00",
          "symbol": "d421",
          "symbolPhrase": "wet snow showers",
          "temperature": 0.57,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -4.44,
          "relHumidity": 97,
          "dewPoint": 0.11,
          "windDir": 220,
          "windSpeed": 5.43,
          "windGust": 10.94,
          "windDirString": "SW",
          "precipProb": 81,
          "snowRate": 0.03,
          "precipRate": 0.05,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 998.266,
          "precipType": "mixed"
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code

  • symbolPhrasestring

    Weather description

  • temperaturenumber

    Temperature (°C)

  • feelsLikeTempnumber

    Feels like temperature (°C)

  • relHumiditynumber

    Relative humidity (%) (dataset=full)

  • windDirnumber

    Wind direction in degrees

  • windGustnumber

    Wind gust speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windSpeednumber

    Wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windDirStringstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • precipProbnumber

    Probability of precipitation (%)

  • precipRatenumber

    Intensity of precipitation rate (mm/h)

  • cloudinessnumber

    Cloudiness (%)

  • thunderProbnumber

    Thunder probability (%)

  • uvIndexnumber

    Ultraviolet index

  • pressurenumber

    Atmospheric pressure extrapolated to sea level (%)

  • precipTypestring

    Precipitation type (always one of: rain, mixed, snow)

  • snowRatenumber

    Intensity of snow rate (cm/h, taking density into account)

  • Hourly

    Hourly forecasts, up to 7 days. The values represent the conditions at the associated timestamp unless otherwise specified.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 24, maximum 168)

    • alt (optional)

      Altitude in meters

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • dataset (optional)

      Variable set: "standard" or "full" (default "standard")

    • history (optional)

      History: whether to include past 24 hours (1 or 0, default 0)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2021-12-20T13:00+04:00",
          "symbol": "d400",
          "symbolPhrase": "overcast",
          "temperature": -0.78,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -6,
          "windSpeed": 4.68,
          "windGust": 10.43,
          "relHumidity": 73,
          "dewPoint": -3.59,
          "windDir": 250,
          "windDirString": "W",
          "precipProb": 44,
          "precipAccum": 0.01,
          "snowAccum": 0.01,
          "cloudiness": 99,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 994.789,
          "visibility": 26554,
          "precipType": "snow",
          "solarRadiation": 140
          "time": "2021-12-20T14:00+04:00",
          "symbol": "d400",
          "symbolPhrase": "overcast",
          "temperature": -1.12,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -6,
          "windSpeed": 4.98,
          "windGust": 10.33,
          "relHumidity": 73,
          "dewPoint": -4.13,
          "windDir": 255,
          "windDirString": "W",
          "precipProb": 40,
          "precipAccum": 0,
          "snowAccum": 0,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 995.463,
          "visibility": 36159,
          "precipType": "snow",
          "solarRadiation": 135
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code

  • symbolPhrasestring

    Description of weather (dataset=full)

  • temperaturenumber

    Temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • feelsLikeTempnumber

    Feels like temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • relHumiditynumber

    Relative humidity (%) (dataset=full)

  • dewPointnumber

    Dew point (°C or requested unit) (dataset=full)

  • windSpeednumber

    Wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windGustnumber

    Wind gust speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windDirnumber

    Wind direction in degrees

  • windDirStringstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • precipProbnumber

    Probability of precipitation in the 1 hour period ending at the timestamp (%)

  • precipAccumnumber

    Accumulated 1 hour precipitation up until the timestamp (as liquid water, mm).

  • cloudinessnumber

    Cloudiness (%) (dataset=full)

  • thunderProbnumber

    Thunder probability (%) (dataset=full)

  • uvIndexnumber

    Ultraviolet index (dataset=full)

  • pressurestring

    Pressure (hPa) (dataset=full)

  • visibilitynumber

    Visibility (m) (dataset=full)

  • precipTypestring

    Precipitation type (always one of: rain, mixed, snow)

  • snowAccumnumber

    Thickness of snow accumulated over 1 hour ending at the timestamp (cm)

  • solarRadiationnumber

    Ground level solar radiation intensity on a level surface, W/m²

  • Three-hourly

    Forecast at 3 hour intervals, up to 14 days. The values represent the conditions at the associated timestamp unless otherwise specified. Precipitation sums are for three-hour periods.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 16, maximum 112)

    • alt (optional)

      Altitude in meters

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • dataset (optional)

      Variable set: "standard" or "full" (default "standard")

    • history (optional)

      History: whether to include past 24 hours (1 or 0, default 0)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2021-12-20T10:00+01:00",
          "symbol": "n400",
          "symbolPhrase": "overcast",
          "temperature": -4.1,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -9.13,
          "windSpeed": 4.2,
          "windGust": 8.66,
          "relHumidity": 78,
          "dewPoint": -7.38,
          "windDir": 273,
          "windDirString": "W",
          "precipProb": 7,
          "precipAccum": 0.01,
          "snowAccum": 0.03,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 1014.42,
          "visibility": 49379,
          "precipType": "snow",
          "solarRadiation": 85
          "time": "2021-12-20T13:00+01:00",
          "symbol": "n400",
          "symbolPhrase": "overcast",
          "temperature": -8.16,
          "feelsLikeTemp": -16.09,
          "windSpeed": 6.25,
          "windGust": 12.13,
          "relHumidity": 68,
          "dewPoint": -12.86,
          "windDir": 300,
          "windDirString": "NW",
          "precipProb": 8,
          "precipAccum": 0,
          "snowAccum": 0,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "thunderProb": 0,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "pressure": 1017.4,
          "visibility": 49854,
          "precipType": "snow",
          "solarRadiation": 135
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code

  • symbolPhrasestring

    Description of weather (dataset=full)

  • temperaturenumber

    Temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • feelsLikeTempnumber

    Feels like temperature (°C or requested unit)

  • relHumiditynumber

    Relative humidity (%) (dataset=full)

  • dewPointnumber

    Dew point (°C or requested unit) (dataset=full)

  • windSpeednumber

    Wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windGustnumber

    Wind gust speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windDirnumber

    Wind direction in degrees

  • windDirStringstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • precipProbnumber

    Probability of precipitation in the 3 hour period ending at the timestamp (%)

  • precipAccumnumber

    Accumulated 3 hour precipitation up until the timestamp (as liquid water, mm).

  • cloudinessnumber

    Cloudiness (%) (dataset=full)

  • thunderProbnumber

    Thunder probability (%) (dataset=full)

  • uvIndexnumber

    Ultraviolet index (dataset=full)

  • pressurestring

    Pressure (hPa) (dataset=full)

  • visibilitynumber

    Visibility (m) (dataset=full)

  • precipTypestring

    Precipitation type (always one of: rain, mixed, snow)

  • snowAccumnumber

    Thickness of snow accumulated over 3 hours ending at the timestamp (cm)

  • solarRadiationnumber

    Ground level solar radiation intensity on a level surface, W/m²

  • Daily

    Daily forecasts, up to 14 days.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 7, maximum 14)

    • alt (optional)

      Altitude in meters

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit: "MS" (m/s), "KTS" (knots), "KMH" (km/h), or "MPH" (mph) (default m/s)

    • dataset (optional)

      Variable set: "standard" or "full" (default "standard")

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    • rounding (optional)

      Rounding of some variables to nearest integer: 0 or 1 (default 1 for no decimals)

    • offset_hours (optional)

      Include past data up to -48 hours

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "date": "2021-12-20",
          "symbol": "d421",
          "symbolPhrase": "wet snow showers",
          "maxTemp": 1.19,
          "minTemp": -3.86,
          "maxFeelsLikeTemp": -2.8,
          "minFeelsLikeTemp": -7.07,
          "maxRelHumidity": 98,
          "minRelHumidity": 73,
          "maxDewPoint": 0.05,
          "minDewPoint": -4.57,
          "precipAccum": 4.05,
          "snowAccum": 3.22,
          "maxWindSpeed": 6.77,
          "windDir": 225,
          "maxWindGust": 14.84,
          "precipProb": 98,
          "cloudiness": 100,
          "sunrise": "05:55:32",
          "sunset": "13:58:53",
          "sunriseEpoch": 1639976132,
          "sunsetEpoch": 1640005133,
          "moonrise": "14:40:32",
          "moonset": "07:12:56",
          "moonPhase": 192,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "minVisibility": 3395,
          "pressure": 998.956,
          "confidence": "y",
          "solarRadiationSum": 442
          "date": "2021-12-21",
          "symbol": "d400",
          "symbolPhrase": "overcast",
          "maxTemp": -2.95,
          "minTemp": -10.4,
          "maxFeelsLikeTemp": -5.53,
          "minFeelsLikeTemp": -15.57,
          "maxRelHumidity": 99,
          "minRelHumidity": 53,
          "maxDewPoint": -4.4,
          "minDewPoint": -14.18,
          "precipAccum": 0.16,
          "snowAccum": 1.48,
          "maxWindSpeed": 4.49,
          "windDir": 292,
          "maxWindGust": 9.34,
          "precipProb": 65,
          "cloudiness": 96,
          "sunrise": "05:56:06",
          "sunset": "13:59:19",
          "sunriseEpoch": 1640062566,
          "sunsetEpoch": 1640091559,
          "moonrise": "15:40:18",
          "moonset": "07:58:16",
          "moonPhase": 203,
          "uvIndex": 0,
          "minVisibility": 14805,
          "pressure": 1006.78,
          "confidence": "g",
          "solarRadiationSum": 430
  • datestring

    ISO 8601 date

  • symbolstring

    Weather symbol code representing daytime conditions (7am to 7pm local time)

  • symbolPhrasestring

    Description of weather during the day (dataset=full)

  • maxTempnumber

    24h maximum temperature (°C)

  • minTempnumber

    24h minimum temperature (°C)

  • maxFeelsLikeTempnumber

    24h maximum feels-like temperature (°C) (dataset=full)

  • minFeelsLikeTempnumber

    24h minimum feels-like temperature (°C) (dataset=full)

  • maxRelHumiditynumber

    24h maximum relative humidity (°C) (dataset=full)

  • minRelHumiditynumber

    24h minimum relative humidity (°C) (dataset=full)

  • maxDewPointnumber

    maximum dew point (°C) (dataset=full)

  • minDewPointnumber

    minimum dew point (°C) (dataset=full)

  • precipAccumnumber

    Accumulated precipitation (as liquid water, mm)

  • maxWindSpeednumber

    Maximum wind speed (m/s or requested unit)

  • windDirnumber

    Wind direction at maximum wind speed (degrees)

  • maxWindGustnumber

    Maximum wind gust speed (m/s or requested unit) (dataset=full)

  • precipProbnumber

    Precipitation probability during the day (%) (dataset=full)

  • cloudinessnumber

    Daytime cloudiness average (%) (dataset=full)

  • sunrisestring

    Sunrise time of day in local time (dataset=full)

  • sunsetstring

    Sunset time of day in local time (dataset=full)

  • sunriseEpochnumber

    Sunrise time in Unix time (dataset=full)

  • sunsetEpochnumber

    Sunset time in Unix time (dataset=full)

  • moonrisestring

    Moonrise time of day in local time (dataset=full)

  • moonsetstring

    Moonset time of day in local time (dataset=full)

  • moonPhasenumber

    Phase of moon at midday (degrees) (dataset=full)

  • uvIndexnumber

    Maximum ultraviolet index (dataset=full)

  • minVisibilitynumber

    Minimum visibility (m) (dataset=full)

  • pressurenumber

    Daytime average sea level pressure (hPa) (dataset=full)

  • snowAccumnumber

    Accumulated snow (thickness of precipiated snow, cm)

  • confidencestring

    Confidence in forecast: g (green, good), y (yellow, normal), o (orange, low)

  • solarRadiationSumnumber

    Ground level solar radiation on a level surface, sum over the entire day (Wh/m²)

  • Maps

    Weather Map API provides global weather forecast, radar and satellite data as map tiles compatible with commonly used map services such as Open Street Maps or Google Maps. All required and optional parameters are given as path and query parameters respectively. To obtain images one must first request an access token using valid credentials. The access token can then be used to fetch capabilities-response, which contains information on how to fetch images.


    Capabilities endpoint is used to fetch layer metadata. This metadata is used to perform image queries. Capabilities-response provides layer information such as description, temporal and spatial extents as well as available color schemes. Images are layers renderable to image formats such as png or svg. The current data property in time element is the index to the most recent available time. Image products may have additional color schemes which can be optionally specified. Several layers have transparency in the color scheme by default, enabling them to be overlaid directly onto a map. Alternatively, we also offer non-transparent color schemes when only the details of the map – like country borders, roads and city names – are to be placed on top of the weather layer. If an alternative color scheme is available, you can find it in the capabilities endpoint.

    • token

      Access token as provided by authorization endpoint

    Available standard map layers

    Europe precipitation radar and forecast with precipitation type


    TIME RESOLUTION: 15min (up to +1h 45min), 3h (up to 3d)

    HISTORY: 1 day

    UPDATE: 15 minutes


    TYPES: rain, sleet, snow

    REGIONS: Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The UK (*partial coverage)

    North America radar and precipitation forecast with precipitation type


    TIME RESOLUTION: 5min (up to +1h 45min), 3h (up to 3d)

    HISTORY: 1 day

    UPDATE: 5 minutes


    TYPES: rain, sleet, snow

    REGIONS: Continental USA, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada (partial coverage)

    Eastern Asia radar and precipitation forecast with precipitation type


    TIME RESOLUTION: 10min (up to +1h 45min), 3h (up to 3d)

    HISTORY: 1 day

    UPDATE: 10 minutes


    TYPES: rain, sleet, snow

    REGIONS: Japan, Taiwan, South Korea

    Australia radar and precipitation forecast with precipitation type


    TIME RESOLUTION: 10min (up to +1h 45min), 3h (up to 3d)

    HISTORY: 1 day

    UPDATE: 10 minutes


    TYPES: rain, sleet, snow

    REGIONS: Australia

    Global precipitation forecast with precipitation type


    TIME RESOLUTION: 15min (up to 16h), 3h (up to 3d)

    HISTORY: 6h

    UPDATE: 12h


    TYPES: rain, sleet, snow

    REGIONS: global




    HISTORY: 6h

    UPDATE: 1h


    REGIONS: global



    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 1d 12h), 3h (up to 5d 12h)

    HISTORY: 0h

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Cloud cover


    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 1d 12h), 3h (3d 12h)

    HISTORY: 0h

    UPDATE: 6h


    REGIONS: global

    Wind symbol with speed and direction


    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 1d 12h), 3h (3d 12h)

    HISTORY: 0h

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Wind layer


    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 1d 12h), 3h (3d 12h)

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global



    TIME RESOLUTION: 1d up to 5d

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Sea temperature


    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 1d 12h), 3h (3d 12h)

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global, NOTE! Land areas are also covered. It is easiest to add a map layer on top of the sea temperature layer.

    Mean sea level pressure (contour)


    TIME RESOLUTION: 3h up to 4d

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Mean sea level pressure (colored)


    TIME RESOLUTION: 3h up to 4d

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Air quality index


    TIME RESOLUTION: 1h (up to 12h) 3h (up to 4d)

    HISTORY: 12h

    UPDATE: 1h


    REGIONS: global

    Approximate snow depth


    TIME RESOLUTION: 3h (up to 5d 12h) 6h (up to 10d)

    HISTORY: 1d

    UPDATE: 12h


    REGIONS: global

    Legend in cm (inches optional)

    Zoom levels correspond to google map zoom levels.

    Global region latitudes: minLat: -73, maxLat: 73, minLon: -180, maxLon: 180

    To test and explore various map layers and see how requests are made, please visit the following link:

    Test map layers

    To see and explore various map layers in action on Foreca.com website, please visit the following link:

    Foreca Weather Maps
      "images": [
          "id": 2,
          "attribution": null,
          "title": "Temperature",
          "description": "Global surface temperature",
          "formats": [
          "colorschemes": [
          "times": {
            "updated": "2022-01-27T00:00:00Z",
            "available": [
            "current": 33
          "analysis": "20240222000000",
          "extent": {
            "minLat": -90,
            "maxLat": 90,
            "minLon": -180,
            "maxLon": 180,
            "minZoom": 2,
            "maxZoom": 14
          "id": 5,
          "attribution": "EUMETNET",
          "title": "Europe precipitation radar and forecast",
          "description": "Radar + radar forecast + cell simulated precipitation with precipitation type (EU)",
          "formats": [
          "colorschemes": [
          "times": {
            "updated": "2022-01-27T13:45:00Z",
            "available": [
            "current": 104
          "analysis": "20240222113000",
          "extent": {
            "minLat": -40.89080609,
            "maxLat": 79.171,
            "minLon": -89.91202346,
            "maxLon": 89.91202346,
            "minZoom": 3,
            "maxZoom": 11


    Tile endpoint is used to obtain weather map tiles for the given layer and color scheme

    • id

      Layer id

    • x

      X index of the requested tile

    • y

      Y index of the requested tile

    • z

      Zoom level of the requested tile

    • time

      UTC timestamp value for the data to retrieve in ISO 8601 format. Must appear in the available times list

    • token

      Access token as provided by authorization endpoint

    • colorscheme (optional)

      Layer color scheme. Must appear in the color scheme list returned by capabilities endpoint



    Legend endpoint is used to obtain legend image for a color scheme

    • colorscheme

      Color scheme id. Must appear in the color scheme list returned by capabilities endpoint

    • id

      Layer id

    • token

      Access token as provided by authorization endpoint


    Air Quality

    Air quality forecasts: an air quality index (AQI) that summarizes air pollution taking into account multiple components (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter). The forecast is based on observations and numerical modeling, resulting in AQI values calculated based on the United States EPA standard.


    Hourly air quality forecasts.

    • location

      "Longitude, latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 24, maximum 84)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: uk, tr, sv, ru, pt, pl, nl, it, fr, fi, es, en, de, cs (default en).

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2022-02-03T10:00Z",
          "pollutant": "Particulate matter <2.5um",
          "pollutantPhrase": "Particulate matter <2.5 µm",
          "AQI": 102,
          "AQI_CO": 8,
          "AQI_NO2": 6,
          "AQI_O3": 24,
          "AQI_SO2": 4,
          "AQI_PM10": 64,
          "AQI_PM2P5": 102
          "time": "2022-02-03T11:00Z",
          "pollutant": "Particulate matter <2.5um",
          "pollutantPhrase": "Particulate matter <2.5 µm",
          "AQI": 101,
          "AQI_CO": 7,
          "AQI_NO2": 7,
          "AQI_O3": 25,
          "AQI_SO2": 6,
          "AQI_PM10": 63,
          "AQI_PM2P5": 101
  • timestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • pollutantstring

    Most significant pollution type ("Carbon monoxide", "Nitrogen dioxide", "Ozone", "Particulate matter <10um", "Particulate matter <2.5um", "Sulphur dioxide")

  • pollutantPhrasestring

    Description of most significant pollution type in given language (e.g. "Carbon monoxide", "Nitrogen dioxide", "Ozone", "Particulate matter <10 μm", "Particulate matter <2.5 μm" or "Sulphur dioxide")

  • AQInumber

    General AQI: lower is better

  • AQI_COnumber

    AQI based on carbon monoxide

  • AQI_NO2number

    AQI based on nitrogen dioxide

  • AQI_O3number

    AQI based on ozone

  • AQI_SO2number

    AQI based on sulfur dioxide

  • AQI_PM10number

    AQI based on particulate matter (PM10)

  • AQI_PM2P5number

    AQI based on particulate matter (PM2.5)

  • Daily

    Daily air quality forecasts.

    • location

      "Longitude, latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 3, maximum 3)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: uk, tr, sv, ru, pt, pl, nl, it, fr, fi, es, en, de, cs (default en).

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "date": "2022-02-03",
          "AQI": 111,
          "pollutant": "Particulate matter <2.5um",
          "pollutantPhrase": "Particulate matter <2.5 µm",
          "AQI_CO": 7,
          "AQI_NO2": 48,
          "AQI_GO3": 71,
          "AQI_SO2": 59,
          "AQI_PM2P5": 111,
          "AQI_PM10": 66
          "date": "2022-02-04",
          "AQI": 129,
          "pollutant": "Ozone",
          "pollutantPhrase": "Ozone",
          "AQI_CO": 23,
          "AQI_NO2": 35,
          "AQI_GO3": 129,
          "AQI_SO2": 49,
          "AQI_PM2P5": 106,
          "AQI_PM10": 65
  • datestring

    ISO 8601 date

  • AQInumber

    General AQI: lower is better

  • pollutantstring

    Most significant pollution type ("Carbon monoxide", "Nitrogen dioxide", "Ozone", "Particulate matter <10um", "Particulate matter <2.5um", "Sulphur dioxide")

  • pollutantPhrasestring

    Description of most significant pollution type in given language (e.g. "Carbon monoxide", "Nitrogen dioxide", "Ozone", "Particulate matter <10 μm", "Particulate matter <2.5 μm" or "Sulphur dioxide")

  • AQI_COnumber

    AQI based on carbon monoxide

  • AQI_NO2number

    AQI based on nitrogen dioxide

  • AQI_O3number

    AQI based on ozone

  • AQI_SO2number

    AQI based on sulfur dioxide

  • AQI_PM10number

    AQI based on particulate matter (PM10)

  • AQI_PM2P5number

    AQI based on particulate matter (PM2.5)

  • Pollen


    Pollen forecasts are made using numerical modeling and observational data. The pollen concentrations are described with pollen grains per cubic meter of air (grains/m3). Pollen forecasts for the following species are available in the Pollen API: alder, birch, grass, mugwort, olive and ragweed. The pollen forecasts are currently available only for Europe.

    Pollen rating

    How people react to various amounts of pollen varies enormously. It may depend on the species of pollen, the location, or other individual factors. This pollen rating system provides some indication of the pollen concentration, but the classification is general in nature and subject to significant individual variation. The pollen rating has five different levels, and each level is described by an index ranging from 0 to 4.


    0 = no pollen (or very little)

    NOTE! not equal to 0 grains/m3, No pollen is reported when the amount of pollen is less than 0.2 grains/m3 for all pollen types.

    1 = low

    Low pollen is indicated when the amount of pollen is less than 10 grains/m3 for all pollen types.

    2 = moderate

    Moderate pollen varies for the pollen type. For alder, birch and olive, moderate pollen is indicated for pollen concentrations below 100 grains/m3. For grass and ragweed, moderate pollen is indicated for pollen concentrations below 30 grains/m3 and for mugwort pollen, moderate levels are indicated for concentrations below 50 grains/m3.

    3 = high

    High pollen varies for the pollen type. For alder, birch and olive, high pollen is indicated for pollen concentrations below or equal to 500 grains/m3. For grass, ragweed and mugwort, high pollen is indicated for pollen concentrations below or equal to 100 grains/m3.

    4 = very high

    When the pollen concentration is above 500 grains/m3 for alder, birch and olive, very high pollen is indicated. For grass, ragweed and mugwort, very high pollen is indicated for pollen concentrations above 100 grains/m3.


    Hourly pollen forecasts.

    • location

      "Longitude, latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 24, maximum 84)

    • tz (optional)

      Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "time": "2023-03-28T14:00+02:00",
          "alder": 1,
          "birch": 0,
          "grass": 1,
          "mugwort": 0,
          "olive": 0,
          "ragweed": 0,
          "alder_m3": 0.3,
          "birch_m3": 0.1,
          "grass_m3": 0.325,
          "mugwort_m3": 0,
          "olive_m3": 0,
          "ragweed_m3": 0
  • datestring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • pollen speciesnumber

    Numbers 0-4. Zero indicating no pollen, four indicating very high pollen concentrations

  • pollen species m3number

    The hourly pollen concentration in grains/m3

  • Daily

    Daily pollen forecasts.

    • location

      "Longitude, latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • periods (optional)

      Number of time steps (default 3, maximum 3)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "forecast": [
          "date": "2023-03-29",
          "alder": 1,
          "birch": 1,
          "grass": 1,
          "mugwort": 0,
          "olive": 0,
          "ragweed": 0,
          "alder_m3": 0.2,
          "birch_m3": 0.65,
          "grass_m3": 0.45,
          "mugwort_m3": 0,
          "olive_m3": 0,
          "ragweed_m3": 0
  • datestring

    ISO 8601 date

  • pollen speciesnumber

    Numbers 0-4. Zero indicating no pollen, four indicating very high pollen concentrations

  • pollen species m3number

    The daily pollen concentration in grains/m3. The value is the maximum pollen concentration for that day.

  • Climate


    Weather statistics.

    Monthly climate

    Averages and other summary weather statistics, by month. The values are based on a 30-year period 1991-2020.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "climate": [
          "month": "01",
          "dayMaxTemp": -0.76,
          "dayMinTemp": -5.68,
          "dayAvgTemp": -3.2,
          "precipSum": 55.17,
          "dailyPrecip": 1.78,
          "rainDays": 19.09,
          "frostDays": 26.42,
          "seaSurfaceTemp": 0.85
          "month": "02",
          "dayMaxTemp": -1.09,
          "dayMinTemp": -6.64,
          "dayAvgTemp": -3.86,
          "precipSum": 38.34,
          "dailyPrecip": 1.37,
          "rainDays": 14.62,
          "frostDays": 24.6,
          "seaSurfaceTemp": -0.69
          "month": "03",
          "dayMaxTemp": 2.62,
          "dayMinTemp": -4.01,
          "dayAvgTemp": -0.69,
          "precipSum": 37.21,
          "dailyPrecip": 1.2,
          "rainDays": 13.68,
          "frostDays": 24.75,
          "seaSurfaceTemp": -1.05
  • monthstring

    Month of year

  • dayMaxTempnumber

    Daily maximum temperature

  • dayMinTempnumber

    Daily minimum temperature

  • dayAvgTempnumber

    Daily average temperature

  • precipSumnumber

    Precipitation sum (mm)

  • dailyPrecipnumber

    Precipitation accumulation during a day (mm)

  • rainDaysnumber

    Number of rain days in month (≥0.1 mm of precipitation)

  • frostDaysnumber

    Number of frost days in month

  • seaSurfaceTempnumber or null

    Average sea surface temperature, null outside seas or coastal areas

  • Daily climate

    Temperature statistics of a given day in a location. The values are 15-day central moving averages of 30-year averages of daily values during 1991-2020.

    • location

      "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • monthday

      "month-day" as two two-digit numbers, separated by a dash, e.g., 05-27 for May 27

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "climate": [
          "month": "01",
          "day": "12",
          "avgMinTemp": -4.53,
          "avgTemp": -2.77,
          "avgMaxTemp": -0.87
  • monthstring

    Month of year

  • daystring

    Day of the month

  • avgMinTempnumber

    Average minimum temperature of the day

  • avgTempnumber

    Average temperature of the day

  • avgMaxTempnumber

    Average maximum temperature of the day

  • History


    Weather History API provides observational weather information from the past by showing measured weather parameters in a certain location at a specific date. The API delivers all the measured weather parameters as both daily summary values and hourly values. The queries can be made based on a given day and coordinate point. The API will respond with observational data from the nearest relevant weather station or from weather forecast model data (augmented observation). Augmented observations are provided when the closest weather station with sufficient observations is too far away to give representative information. History data is available from January 2009.

    Read more about weather history

    You will receive details about how to use the history API, as well as the endpoint, within your sign-up email.

    Point history

    • lon


    • lat


    • date

      Date in YYYYMMDD format

    • days (optional)

      Feature: number of days returend, starting at "date" (default 1, maximum 14)

    • tempunit (optional)

      Temperature unit (F, C; default C)

    • windunit (optional)

      Wind unit (MS, KTS, KMH, MPH, BFT; default MS)

    • precunit (optional)

      Precipitation unit (MM, IN)

    • lang (optional)

      Language (ISO 639-1 codes). Options: de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, fi, sv, nl, ko, pt, th, tr, zh, zh_TW (Chinese in Taiwan), zh_CN (Chinese in China). (default en)

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "station": {
        "name": "Tholen Wp",
        "lon": 4.2,
        "lat": 51.48
      "hourly": {
        "date": {
          "pretty": "00:00 on January 23, 2016",
          "year": "2016",
          "month": "01",
          "day": "23",
          "hour": "00",
          "min": "00",
          "tz": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "utcdate": {
          "iso8601": "2016-01-22T23:00",
          "year": "2016",
          "month": "01",
          "day": "22",
          "hour": "23",
          "min": "00",
          "tz": "UTC"
        "observations": [
            "dt": {
              "pretty": "00:00 on January 23, 2016",
              "year": "2016",
              "month": "01",
              "day": "23",
              "hour": "00",
              "min": "00",
              "tz": "Europe/Amsterdam"
            "dtu": {
              "iso8601": "2016-01-22T23:00",
              "year": "2016",
              "month": "01",
              "day": "22",
              "hour": "23",
              "min": "00",
              "tz": "UTC"
            "t": "5.7",
            "d": "5.6",
            "rh": "99",
            "ws": "4",
            "gust": "4",
            "wd": "230",
            "wn": "southwest",
            "v": "400",
            "p": "1022.2",
            "tf": "3",
            "pr1": "",
            "sT": "Haze",
            "s": "600",
            "fog": "1",
            "rain": "0",
            "snow": "0",
            "hail": "0",
            "thunder": "0",
            "tornado": "0"
      "dailysummary": {
        "dt": {
          "pretty": "00:00 on January 23, 2016",
          "year": "2016",
          "month": "01",
          "day": "23",
          "hour": "00",
          "min": "00",
          "tz": "Europe/Amsterdam"
        "fog": "1",
        "rain": "0",
        "snow": "0",
        "snowfall": "",
        "snowfallmonthtodate": "",
        "snowfallsincejul1": "",
        "snowdepth": "",
        "hail": "0",
        "thunder": "0",
        "tornado": "0",
        "ta": "6.2",
        "da": "5.6",
        "pa": "1029.7",
        "wsa": "3.5",
        "wna": "north",
        "wda": "219",
        "va": "4857",
        "rha": "96",
        "tx": "8",
        "tn": "4",
        "rhx": "100",
        "rhn": "87",
        "dx": "7",
        "dn": "4",
        "px": "1033.5",
        "pn": "1022.2",
        "wsx": "5",
        "wsn": "2",
        "vx": "10600",
        "vn": "390",
        "pr24": "",
        "prtype": "noprec"
  • tstring


  • dstring

    Dew point

  • rhstring

    Relative humidity (%)

  • wsstring

    Wind speed

  • guststring

    Wind gust speed

  • wdstring

    Wind direction in degrees

  • wnstring

    Wind direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)

  • vstring

    visibility in meters, e.g. "10000" for 10 km

  • pstring

    Atmospheric pressure normalized to sea level (hPa)

  • tfstring

    Feels like temperature

  • pr1string

    1 hour accumulated precipitation

  • sTstring

    symbol text

  • sstring

    Weather symbol code

  • fogstring

    Whether there was fog

  • rainstring

    Whether there was rain

  • snowstring

    Whether there was snow

  • hailstring

    Whether there was hail

  • thunderstring

    Whether there was thunder

  • tornadostring

    Whether there were tornadoes

  • snowfallstring

    Accumulated snowfall (cm)

  • snowfallmonthtodatestring

    Accumulated snowfall month-to-date

  • snowfallsincejul1string

    Accumulated snowfall since last july 1st

  • snowdepthstring

    Snow depth (cm)

  • tastring

    Average temperature

  • dastring

    Average dew point

  • pastring

    Average pressure (hPa)

  • wsastring

    Average wind speed

  • wnastring

    Average wind direction name

  • wdastring

    Average wind direction (degrees)

  • vastring

    Average visibility (meters)

  • rhastring

    Average relative humidity (%)

  • txstring

    Maximum temperature

  • tnstring

    Minimum temperature

  • rhxstring

    Maximum relative humidity (%)

  • rhnstring

    Minimum relative humidity (%)

  • dxstring

    Maximum dew point

  • dnstring

    Minimum dew point

  • pxstring

    Maximum pressure (hPa)

  • pnstring

    Minimum pressure (hPa)

  • wsxstring

    Maximum wind speed

  • wsnstring

    Minimum wind speed

  • vxstring

    Maximum visibility (meters)

  • vnstring

    Minimum visibility (meters)

  • pr24string

    Accumulated precipitation from 24h

  • prtypestring

    Most occurred precipitation type (rain, hail, snow, mixed) or noprec if no precipitation during the time

  • Warnings


    Governmental severe weather warnings are currently delivered from: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.

    Read more about weather warnings

    Point warnings

    • location

      "Longitude, latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

    • future (optional)

      Whether to return warnings starting more than 24 hours from now (boolean: default 0)

    • dataset (optional)

      Variable set: "standard" or "full" (default "standard")

    Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

      "warnings": [
          "type": "FO",
          "significance": "Y",
          "attribution": null,
          "validFrom": "2021-01-08T10:17:00Z",
          "validUntil": "2021-01-08T17:00:00Z",
          "description": [
              "lang": "en",
              "text": "Dense Fog Advisory issued January 08 at 4:17AM CST until January 08 at 11:00AM CST by NWS Minneapolis&10;&10;Anoka; Benton; Blue Earth; Brown; Carver; Chippewa; Chisago; Douglas; Hennepin; Isanti; Kanabec; Kandiyohi; Lac Qui Parle; Le Sueur; Martin; McLeod; Meeker; Mille Lacs; Morrison; Nicollet; Pope; Ramsey; Redwood; Renville; Scott; Sherburne; Sibley; Stearns; Stevens; Swift; Todd; Watonwan; Wright; Yellow Medicine&10;&10;...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 11 AM CST THIS&10;MORNING...&10;* WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog.&10;* WHERE...Portions of central, east central, south central,&10;southwest and west central Minnesota.&10;* WHEN...Until 11 AM CST Friday.&10;* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.&10;* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Slick spots on roads, overpasses, and&10;sidewalks are also possible as the fog freezes on exposed&10;surfaces.&10;&10;If driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty of&10;distance ahead of you."
          "attributionUrl": null,
          "link": "https://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwacapget.php?x=MN126188507444.DenseFogAdvisory.126188517F10MN.MPXNPWMPX.6f0fa4bac3937d8409b5648ff85e9eea",
          "sent": "2021-01-08T10:17:00Z",
          "name": "Fog",
          "significanceDescription": "Potentially dangerous"
  • typestring

    Warning ID

  • significancestring

    One of: Y (yellow), O (orange), R (red), P (purple)

  • attributionstring

    Attribution: organization abbreviations

  • attributionUrlstring

    Attribution URL

  • validFromstring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • validUntilstring

    ISO 8601 date and time

  • langstring

    Language of warning description (ISO 639-1 codes)

  • textstring

    Description of the particular warning in the associated language

  • significanceDescriptionstring

    Description of significance level

  • linkstring

    Link to warning description provided by source (if applicable)

  • sentstring

    ISO 8601 date and time of warning sent

  • titlestring

    Event title (dataset=full)

  • langAreastring

    Language area (dataset=full)

  • Warning type names

    Metadata for all warning types.

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "AQ": {
          "name": "Air quality"
        "AS": {
          "name": "Volcanic ashfall"
        "AV": {
          "name": "Avalanche"
        "CD": {
          "name": "Civil danger"
        "CE": {
          "name": "Coastal event"
    • namestring

      Name of warning type

    • Marine


      Marine forecasts of waves and sea temperatures.


      Hourly marine forecasts.

      • location

        "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

      • periods (optional)

        Number of time steps (default 24, maximum 168)

      • tempunit (optional)

        Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

      • tz (optional)

        Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

      • history (optional)

        History: whether to include past 24 hours (1 or 0, default 0)

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "forecast": [
            "time": "2020-07-03T11:00",
            "sigWaveHeight": 0.95,
            "waveDir": 225,
            "sigSwellHeight": 0.02,
            "seaTemp": 18,
            "swimTemp": 18
            "time": "2020-07-03T12:00",
            "sigWaveHeight": 1.01,
            "waveDir": 225,
            "sigSwellHeight": 0.02,
            "seaTemp": 18,
            "swimTemp": 18
            "time": "2020-07-03T13:00",
            "sigWaveHeight": 1,
            "waveDir": 225,
            "sigSwellHeight": 0.02,
            "seaTemp": 18,
            "swimTemp": 18
    • timestring

      ISO 8601 date and time

    • sigWaveHeightnumber

      Significant wave height (m)

    • waveDirnumber

      Mean wave direction (degrees)

    • sigSwellHeightnumber

      Significant swell wave height (m)

    • seaTempnumber

      Sea temperature

    • swimTempnumber

      Sea temperature in swimming locations

    • Daily

      Daily marine forecasts.

      • location

        "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

      • periods (optional)

        Number of time steps (default 7, maximum 14)

      • tempunit (optional)

        Temperature unit: "C", "F" (default "C")

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "forecast": [
            "date": "2020-07-03",
            "maxSigWaveHeight": 1.01,
            "maxSwellHeight": 0.05,
            "maxSeaTemp": 19,
            "maxSwimTemp": 18
            "date": "2020-07-04",
            "maxSigWaveHeight": 1.18,
            "maxSwellHeight": 0.18,
            "maxSeaTemp": 18,
            "maxSwimTemp": 17
            "date": "2020-07-05",
            "maxSigWaveHeight": 0.99,
            "maxSwellHeight": 0.99,
            "maxSeaTemp": 18,
            "maxSwimTemp": 18
    • datestring

      ISO 8601 date

    • maxSigWaveHeightnumber

      Maximum significant wave height (m)

    • maxSwellHeightnumber

      Maximum swell wave height (m)

    • maxSeaTempnumber

      Maximum sea temperature

    • maxSwimTempnumber

      Maximum sea temperature in swimming locations

    • Ski


      Ski resort weather conditions and site information.


      Ski resort conditions.

      • location

        "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

      • sites (optional)

        Number of ski sites (default 1, maximum 5)

      • radius (optional)

        Maximum distance to ski site (default 500 km)

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "locations": [
            "name": "Lake Louise",
            "countryCode": "ca",
            "countryName": "Canada",
            "state": "Alberta",
            "city": "Lake Louise, AB",
            "postalCode": "T0L 1E0",
            "street": "Banff National Park",
            "houseNumber": null,
            "address": "Banff National Park, Lake Louise, AB, T0L 1E0",
            "longitude": -116.159228,
            "latitude": 51.439332,
            "openFrom": "08:30",
            "openUntil": "16:00",
            "isOpen": true,
            "altitudeBase": 1646,
            "altitudePeak": 2637,
            "primarySurfaceCondition": "Gripping snow",
            "liftsOpen": 2,
            "lifts": 7,
            "hasSkiing": true,
            "kmNordic": null,
            "kmPistes": 139,
            "kmOpen": 7,
            "hasValleyRun": true,
            "valleyRunOpen": "true",
            "hasTobogganRuns": false,
            "kmTobogganRuns": null,
            "lastSnowDate": "2020-11-01",
            "lastSnowAmount": null,
            "nightSkiing": false,
            "snowDepthPeak": 52,
            "snowDepthBase": 43,
            "hasFunPark": true,
            "funParkOpen": true,
            "updated": "2020-11-05T00:00:00Z"
            "name": "Sunshine Village",
            "countryCode": "ca",
            "countryName": "Canada",
            "state": "Alberta",
            "city": "Banff",
            "postalCode": "T0L 0C0",
            "street": "Banff-Nationalpark",
            "houseNumber": null,
            "address": "Banff-Nationalpark, Banff, T0L 0C0",
            "longitude": -115.761005,
            "latitude": 51.113248,
            "openFrom": "08:30",
            "openUntil": "16:00",
            "isOpen": false,
            "altitudeBase": 1660,
            "altitudePeak": 2730,
            "primarySurfaceCondition": null,
            "liftsOpen": 0,
            "lifts": 10,
            "hasSkiing": false,
            "kmNordic": null,
            "kmPistes": 109,
            "kmOpen": 0,
            "hasValleyRun": true,
            "valleyRunOpen": "false",
            "hasTobogganRuns": true,
            "kmTobogganRuns": null,
            "lastSnowDate": null,
            "lastSnowAmount": null,
            "nightSkiing": false,
            "snowDepthPeak": null,
            "snowDepthBase": null,
            "hasFunPark": true,
            "funParkOpen": false,
            "updated": "2020-11-05T00:00:00Z"
    • namestring

      Site name

    • countryCodestring

      Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

    • countryNamestring

      Country name

    • statestring

      State (if applicable)

    • citystring


    • postalCodestring

      Postal code

    • streetstring


    • houseNumberstring

      House number

    • addressstring


    • longitudestring


    • latitudestring


    • openFromstring

      Opening time (HH:MM)

    • openUntilstring

      Open until time of day (HH:MM)

    • isOpenboolean

      Open status

    • altitudeBasenumber

      Altitude at base

    • altitudePeakstring

      Altitude at peak

    • primarySurfaceConditionstring

      Surface condition description

    • liftsOpennumber

      Number of lifts open

    • liftsnumber

      Total number of lifts

    • hasSkiingboolean

      Skiing available

    • kmNordicnumber

      Nordic skiing length (km)

    • kmPistesnumber

      Pistes length (km)

    • kmOpennumber

      Total open (km)

    • hasValleyRunboolean

      Valley run available

    • valleyRunOpenstring

      Valley run status ("true", "false", "conditional")

    • hasTobogganRunsboolean

      Toboggan runs available

    • kmTobogganRunsnumber

      Length of toboggan runs

    • lastSnowDatestring

      Date of last new snow

    • lastSnowAmountstring

      Amount of new snow last time

    • nightSkiingboolean

      Night skiing available

    • snowDepthPeaknumber

      Depth of snow at peak

    • snowDepthBasenumber

      Depth of snow at base

    • hasFunParkboolean

      Fun park available

    • funParkOpenboolean

      Fun park open

    • updatedstring

      Date and time of last update (ISO 8601)

    • Agriculture


      Parameters relating to agriculture.


      Hourly agricultural forecast parameters.

      • location

        "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

      • periods (optional)

        Number of time steps (default 24, maximum 168)

      • tz (optional)

        Time zone in response (IANA time zone database names)

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "forecast": [
            "time": "2022-02-03T10:00+02:00",
            "ET0": 0.1,
            "VPD": 0.27,
            "SSRD": 300
            "time": "2022-02-03T11:00+02:00",
            "ET0": 0.23,
            "VPD": 0.4,
            "SSRD": 436
            "time": "2022-02-03T12:00+02:00",
            "ET0": 0.35,
            "VPD": 0.49,
            "SSRD": 554
    • timestring

      ISO 8601 date and time

    • ET0number

      Reference evapotranspiration rate (mm/h)

    • VPDnumber

      Vapor pressure deficit (kPa)

    • SSRDnumber

      Surface solar radiation downwards, W/m² (watts per square meter)

    • Daily

      Daily agricultural forecast parameters.

      • location

        "Longitude,latitude" or location identifier (id) from the location endpoint

      • periods (optional)

        Number of time steps (default 7, maximum 14)

      Click the schema button to see a complete list of available parameters.

        "forecast": [
            "date": "2022-02-03",
            "ET0": 1.18,
            "VPD_max": 0.5,
            "VPD_min": 0.05,
            "VPD": 0.18,
            "SSRD": 2424,
            "precipSum24q10": 0.11,
            "precipSum24q90": 0.21,
            "precipSum168q10": 7.4,
            "precipSum168q90": 20.73
            "date": "2022-02-04",
            "ET0": 1.02,
            "VPD_max": 0.46,
            "VPD_min": 0.05,
            "VPD": 0.18,
            "SSRD": 2710,
            "precipSum24q10": 0,
            "precipSum24q90": 0.02,
            "precipSum168q10": 8.26,
            "precipSum168q90": 20.64
    • datestring

      ISO 8601 date

    • ET0number

      Reference evapotranspiration (mm)

    • VPDnumber

      Vapor pressure deficit average (kPa)

    • VPD_minnumber

      Minimum vapor pressure deficit (kPa)

    • VPD_maxnumber

      Maximum vapor pressure deficit (kPa)

    • SSRDnumber

      Surface solar radiation downwards (24h sum, Wh/m²)

    • precipSum24q10number

      Lower bound estimate for precipitation sum during the day (10th percentile, mm)

    • precipSum24q90number

      Higher bound estimate for precipitation sum during the day (90th percentile, mm)

    • precipSum168q10number

      Lower bound estimate for 7-day precipitation sum during the day and 6 following days (10th percentile, mm)

    • precipSum168q90number

      Higher bound estimate for 7-day precipitation sum during the day and 6 following days (90th percentile, mm)

    • Usage

      Month's usage

      Usage by month.

      • month

        Month (e.g. "2021-03")

      • user


      • password

        Administrative password

        "apis": [
            "name": "Weather API",
            "hits": 32529
            "name": "Map API",
            "hits": 12020
            "name": "Administrative",
            "hits": 0
        "hits": 44549

      Day's usage

      Usage by day.

      • day

        Day (e.g. "2021-03-15")

      • user


      • password

        Administrative password

        "apis": [
            "name": "Weather API",
            "hits": 380
            "name": "Map API",
            "hits": 785
            "name": "Administrative",
            "hits": 0
        "hits": 1165