
API Documentation

Weather History

Weather observations from the past

Weather History API provides observational weather information from the past by showing measured weather parameters in a certain location at a specific date.

Data Delivery

The API delivers all the measured weather parameters as both daily summary values and hourly values. The queries can be made based on a given day and coordinate point. The API will respond with observational data from the nearest relevant weather station or from weather forecast model data (augmented observation) in JSON format. Augmented observations are provided when the closest weather station with sufficient observations is too far away to give representative information.

Data Sources

The weather history service includes measurements from the following official weather stations.

  • SYNOP stations, mainly reported from the ground or seas worldwide. Includes records from 1st January 2009
  • METAR stations, mainly reported in airports worldwide. Records from 1st of January 2011
  • Augmented observations for all SYNOP and METAR locations from approx. mid-January 2016.
  • Augmented snow depth observations from 9th February 2016.

Weather Parameters Available

Mouse over the text codes to see the explanation. Pictures are provided only for some of the codes and nonsensical combinations don't even have standard text descriptions. The forecast symbols can also be mapped by Foreca to any subset of the provided symbols. We suggest only using the ones with pictures provided in any end-user services.

hourly parameters
Hourly Parameters

The following parameters are available in one-hour time steps.

  • Temperature (°C)
  • Feels-like temperature (°C)
  • Dew point (°C)
  • Symbol text
  • Relative humidity (%)
  • Weather symbol
  • Wind speed (m/s)
  • Fog (binary value)
  • Wind gust (m/s)
  • Rain (binary value)
  • Wind direction (degrees)
  • Snow (binary value)
  • Wind direction name
  • Hail (binary value)
  • Visibility (meters)
  • Thunder (binary value)
  • Pressure (hPa)
  • Tornado (binary value)
  • 1h accumulated precipitation (mm)
hourly parameters
Daily Summary Parameters

The daily summary parameters, the average, minimum and maximum values are based on the hourly observations of the day.

  • Accumulated snowfall, 24h (cm)
  • Minimum temperature (°C)
  • Accumulated snowfall, month to date (cm)
  • Maximum relative humidity (%)
  • Accumulated snowfall, since last July 1st (cm)
  • Minimum relative humidity (%)
  • Snow depth (cm)
  • Maximum dew point (°C)
  • Average temperature (°C)
  • Minimum dew point (°C)
  • Average dew point (°C)
  • Maximum pressure (hPa)
  • Average pressure (hPa)
  • Minimum pressure (hPa)
  • Average wind speed (m/s)
  • Maximum wind speed (m/s)
  • Average wind direction (name)
  • Minimum wind speed (m/s)
  • Average wind direction (degrees)
  • Maximum visibility (m)
  • Average visibility (m)
  • Minimum visibility (m)
  • Average relative humidity (%)
  • Accumulated precipitation, 24h (mm)
  • Maximum temperature (°C))
  • Most occured precipitation type (rain, hail, snow, mixed) or "no precipitation

Weather Warnings

Data feed of the governmental severe weather warnings

The Foreca WarningFeed integrates weather warnings from many national warning systems worldwide and presents them in a harmonized global offering. The feed is an additional module that can be activated for Foreca Weather API, Weather File Feed accounts or delivered as GeoJSON files.

Data Delivery

When queried with coordinates, Foreca Warning feed returns a sorted list of active warnings for the given location by importance. For each event, the WarningFeed provides the generic significance level, generic warning class, and a more detailed event description. The original data from the official sources is also included. The generic codes developed by Foreca are meant to ease visualising the end-user services, while the event descriptions provide more specific textual information.

weather warnings process
Warning Significance Levels

warnings red codeEvent is very dangerous. Exceptionally intense phenomena.

warnings red codeEvent is dangerous. Unusual phenomena.

warnings red codeEvent is potentially dangerous, but not unusual.

No alertsThere are no alerts for the location.

Not applicable Event doesn't have significance by nature.

Warning Classes
  • High temperature
  • High UV index
  • Low temperature
  • Low water
  • Fog
  • Smoke or smog
  • Ice or freezing rain
  • Volcano
  • Rain
  • Snow
  • Duststorm
  • Ice in waterway
  • Thunderstorm
  • Coastal event
  • Wind
  • Civil danger
  • Air quality
  • Evacuation
  • Volcanic ashfall
  • Hazardous materials
  • Avalanche
  • Radiological hazard
  • Tsunami
  • Shelter in place
  • Earthquake
  • Warning
  • Fire danger
  • No alerts
  • Flood
  • Not covered
  • High waves
  • Not available
Event Description
  • Start time for the event
  • End time for the event
  • Warning text issued by the national weather service
  • The affected geographical area given as Polygon or MultiPolygon (in GeoJSON feed)

In addition to the official severe weather warnings issued by governmental institutions, it is possible to provide tailored warnings based on Foreca weather forecasts.

Service Coverage

Governmental severe weather warnings are currently delivered from: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.

Tailored, forecast-based warnings can be provided globally.